Panning for Gold. I got a whole $7.00 worth! 🙂

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Sitting outside the house yesterday just enjoying the weather, I glance across the street and what do I see? A random minion advertising for something. No big deal. 🙂 It was getting more honks than the bikini car wash over by UCF. I love Alaska.

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What a ham

What a ham

We went over to Scott’s BFF’s house for a BBQ this memorial day weekend and took the puppies. Hennessy found the one tiny patch of snow left and was so excited over it…as you can see. 🙂

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The weather is changing!

The weather is changing!

It is starting to get green!!! 🙂 On my drive to work, the roadsides are starting to look very different! It has been beautiful weather in the 70’s and with the little bit of rain and constant (and I mean constant) sunshine, the leaves are literally changing a ton overnight. I am so excited to see it in full bloom!

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So a store has reopened for the summer and it is called Fallafel (FUH-LA-FULL). It is a Vegan place that sells something very similar to a gyro just without the meat. It was very good and apparently everyone else in town thought so too. I waited for over a half an hour for one. Well worth it. 🙂 I am glad everyone was freaking out over it so I could experience one.

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Let it snow…in the summer.

Let it the summer.

I woke up this morning and looked out my window and lo and behold! It’s snowing! Just like the weatherman said it would. Not super excited about the cold part, but it is pretty beautiful. 🙂

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The first day of work was a success! Everything went smoothly and I met a lot of great people. I have one more day of training and then I am off to make bank! 🙂 I also heard that it is going to snow this weekend, so I don’t think I will be escaping the cold just yet…

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First Day of Training!

First Day of Training!

All set in my purple shirt! 🙂 Wish me luck!!!

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MOOSE! Another Bingo square done and checked off. 🙂

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Sled Dog Kisses

Sled Dog Kisses

Got some puppy love from the sled dogs today in Denali. ❤

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