

Sitting outside the house yesterday just enjoying the weather, I glance across the street and what do I see? A random minion advertising for something. No big deal. 🙂 It was getting more honks than the bikini car wash over by UCF. I love Alaska.

About sflowers13

This is all about my trip to keep everyone updated on this trip of a lifetime. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Thanks!
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3 Responses to Minion

  1. Emily Goode says:


  2. markvissering says:

    Very proud of your adventure. Love the bingo card. Hope you don’t wait to long to go ice fishing. Ice won’t last forever even in Alaska. Look forward to following along with you this summer.

  3. Erika Klem says:

    That is probably the awesomest thing I have ever seen and I’m on the other side of the continent. 😦

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